Sunday, November 27, 2005

Is Dr. Mike Marshall Correct?

Upcoming Experiment with the Shot

I have read and explored Dr. Mike Marshall’s website and book many times. I have found his ideas to be very enlightening. I especially found it interesting, while exploring his material, that he incorporates shot puts as a strengthening device for pitchers. At first, like most of us, I was a little leery. Although, the more I research the topic, I am convinced that Dr. Marshall clearly has the right idea. Above, I have posted a picture of a female shot-putter in the power position. This position is quite similar to a pitcher who has achieved proper elbow flexion during the pitching delivery. The resemblance in the photo further justifies Dr. Marshall’s claim that the shot put can help pitchers improve power and explosiveness. Currently, we are conducting morning small group work with the shot put. Several groups of four players are working out with the shot put and establishing an exercise routine. We will be working with them until Christmas and I will update their progress weekly. Here is their work out which will be performed three times a week:

Week #1

Three sets of 10 Shot Put Lifts
Three sets of 10 Shot Put Flips
Three sets of 10 Rotation + Shot Put Lifts

Week #2

Three sets of 10 Shot Put Lifts
Three sets of 10 Shot Put Flips
Three sets of 10 Rotation + Shot Put Lifts
One set of 10 Height Throws

Week #3

Three sets of 10 Shot Put Lifts
Three sets of 10 Shot Put Flips
Three sets of 10 Rotation + Shot Put Lifts
Two sets of 10 Height Throws

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